News from the Platform for Sustainable Timber Construction in the Czech Republic

24. 9. 2024

News from the Platform for Sustainable Timber Construction in the Czech Republic

Platform for sustainable timber construction: the first ecological multi-storey timber buildings are being built in the Czech Republic. To make them more widespread, it is necessary to complete the legislative change and put into practice the Raw Material Policy for Wood, approved by the Czech government in June

Thanks to increased cooperation between the private and public sectors, things are moving forward: the Platform believes that the change in standards and government policy will lead to a stable and predictable environment in the construction of multi-storey buildings made of timber in the Czech Republic 

Sustainable timber construction has been common practice in Western Europe for several years. The first eco-friendly multi-storey timber buildings are also beginning to emerge in the Czech Republic. The Czech fire standard allows timber buildings up to a fire height of 12 metres (although an engineered approach was theoretically possible, in practice no one used it for taller timber buildings). Members of the Platform for Sustainable Timber Construction, which was established last year out of a jointly stated need to change legislative constraints and to create a predictable and stable environment for multi-storey timber buildings, at the biannual meeting on 18. 9. 2024 stated that the past six months have brought a number of positive innovations, thanks to which it will be possible to implement ecological multi-storey wooden buildings in the Czech Republic to a much greater extent than before. They agreed, however, that it is necessary to complete the process of standardisation, which is currently being intensively worked on, and to put into practice the Raw Materials Policy for Wood, which was approved by the Government of the Czech Republic in its resolution of 26 June 2024. They also defined other points, the implementation of which they see as key for a greener future of the Czech construction and real estate market: these include, among others, the introduction of instruments of financial support for construction from wood for both builders and end users, as well as a higher share of wood buildings in new public buildings. The members of the Platform currently see a big shift in the fact that, thanks to intensified cooperation between the private and public sectors, things are moving forward and conditions are being created for the multi-storey timber buildings segment to develop faster and create a functional competitive environment. Just as in the developed countries of Western Europe, which have already undergone or are undergoing similar developments.

For more information please see press release: Platforma pro udržitelné stavebnictví ze dřeva: v Česku vznikají první ekologické vícepodlažní dřevostavby. Pro jejich větší rozšíření je třeba dokončit změnu legislativy a zavést do praxe Surovinovou politiku pro dřevo, schválenou v červnu vládou ČR | UBM Corporate (

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