Series of answers to the most common questions about Timber Prague apartment buildings - part

28. 8. 2023

Series of answers to the most common questions about Timber Prague apartment buildings - part

What are the main advantages of timber buildings?

As a natural material, wood has a positive effect on the human psyche and health. Research shows that it has beneficial effects in terms of air quality, stable humidity and temperature. As a result, houses made of timber co-create a better indoor environment. The widespread use of wood means a minimal carbon footprint, financial savings and reduced construction time as well as higher quality due to standardisation, modularisation and prefabrication. 

In addition, this type of property appreciates in value over time. Since the EU Green Deal, financial flows have been directed towards sustainable investments. In the medium and long term, only sustainable real estate will increase in value; in a few years' time, CO2-polluted real estate will be hard to sell. Timber Prague is not only sustainable through timber construction, in terms of construction wood is the new concrete gold, but is also sustainable in operation through photovoltaics and geothermal energy etc.

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We approved buildings G,H,I of the Arcus City residential complex

19. 8. 2024
We approved buildings G,H,I of the Arcus City residential complex

Buildings are located in the centre and include 66 apartments with layouts 1+kk - 4+kk

Watch video from the model apartment Timber Prague - Arcus City

30. 7. 2024
Watch video from the model apartment Timber Prague - Arcus City

The first apartment owners will move in autumn this year

We invite you to "Open Days" every working day at 1 p.m.

8. 7. 2024
We invite you to "Open Days" every working day at 1 p.m.

The meeting point is at our sales centre at the project site - Hasilova Street, P-5

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